Kite Reflector
Kite Reflector is designed to delicately interact with the environment of Manitoga, resting lightly on the ground while taking on the color and movement of the natural landscape through its collage of reflective sails. The Pavilion consists of a self-supported tensile skeleton inspired by the construction of traditional kites, with a system of carefully positioned reflective fabric screens posed within the frame, producing angles of reflection allowing the pavilion to take on the color palate of Manitoga year around. The curvature of the structural units evolved out of our study of Russel Wright’s houseware collections. The form and structure of Wright’s pieces are intimately intertwined while the function becomes a process of interaction with a user, Kite Reflector is organized with a similar logic while responding to a larger footprint. While the configuration of the pavilion remains the same the visual experience is constantly changing.